Thursday, December 25, 2008


Yay for Christmas! It was a good day to remember the Saviour, spend time with family, and have joyous memories.

Monday, December 22, 2008


I have finished writing a support letter that I will be sending out to my friends, family, and church family. I pray that God will speak to them through my writings, and I pray that the Lord would show them how they can help support me on my trip to Peru. The staff at Awestar are very kind. They have so much compassion for the people whom they are involved with, and they ask to pray for you everytime you talk on the phone with them. I also have some ideas for fundraising events that i can do to raise money. I just hope all will work out for that.

I was reading my Bible today, and I was just perplexed by how i was picturing the reading. It was so vivid and so in depth. I know God was telling me something about that particular passage that just spoke to me. As the days will progress, the answers should come as well.

Christmas is coming soon! I actually dislike the winter season alot, but i do like Christmas because it is a time where we can fellowship with our friends and family and remember the birth of the Messiah.

Hopefully everything will work out quickly, because i have less than 4 months to raise $$ for the trip! I know God will provide, and i have faith in that.

In Christ,
Cody Enciso
Phil 3:10

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Long Time

I'm sorry i haven't posted anything new in the past 2 months....

Things have been going extremely well. Sure I've had trial and circumstances along the way, but God has always been in control. I am amazed at the strength He provides each day to carry on. I am pleased at how my decisions in life have been focused around what God wants for me, and they are working out accordingly.

I plan on going to Pensacola Christian College in the fall of 2009. I will be working towards a degree in Pre-medicine, as well as a minor in missions. I hope to make it into Med-school thereafter. I want to be a Missionary of course, but to have the skills of a doctor would be immensely beneficial. Even now I pray that God will allow me the opportunity 10 years down the road to join an organization that would allow me to be a doctor/missionary.

As for the present, I am utterly excited to have been accepted to go Peru this summer with Awestar!! Jesus has already begun to prepare my heart for the month long missions trip i will be embarking on very soon. I pray for progress, prayer, and support in raising funds.

Aside from all the exciting developements, the rest of my life has been wonderful. I am very grateful that God provides for His children.

In Christ,
Cody Enciso
Phil. 3:10