Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh Give thanks to God Messiah

School started today! It was weird being back after almost 4 months of not. I enjoyed being in volleyball class with my friend Chelsea, it was lots of fun!!! I have chorale practice tonight, that excites me because I like being in it. Hopefully this school year will go well.

I have recently made some decisions in my life that throw me into dismay. How am I going to accomplish all the things I want to? How am I going to fund the projects I endeavor to go through with? How will my decisions affect others? Through the grace of God my thoughts come back to Him. I tell myself that whatever I do, it should be for God’s glory. At night when I pray, I ask God to be with me daily; even though I know He always will be. I lay awake at times thinking of the future; how my heart desires to do the work of Lord. I talk to God at night and ask that He would strengthen me to tell the story of the Great Messiah. My heart aches for those who don’t know Jesus as savior, and I am convicted in my own heart knowing I don’t share His love as much as I want to. God is my solace, His Word is where I flee to, His throne is where I come boldly to converse with my maker.

In the past couple of days, I have experienced the attacks of the enemy. Before I never noticed, but know I see the attacks, and I feel rebuked when I acknowledge my wrong doing. I thank God for friends. I thank God for the people He puts in our lives to keep us accountable. I thank God for the local body. I thank God for a country where we can freely worship. I thank God for love. But above all else, I thank God for His Son Jesus Christ, for without Him we would be nothing.

It is by the saving grace of God Messiah that “ I am what I am”. Thank You Jesus Almighty!!

In Christ,
Cody Enciso
Phil. 3:10