Monday, September 29, 2008


God is Power.
Oh dear, my heart and mind have been racing every which direction this past week. My thoughts have been focused on too many things nowadays. There's school, work, life, church, love, and decisions about where I’m going in life. My one solace is the LORD. When I do my devotions in the morning, when I read my bible at night, or when I pray to Him throughout my day, I find comfort in His grace and by the peace that He provides. My heart aches at times, because my parents don't understand my passion for the mission field. They want me to go and become a doctor and have a career, but in all honesty, my heart's desire is to become a foreign missionary as soon as possible. I don't want to be comfortable here at home, I want to live the life of a missionary. My mother tells me I’m a bit high maintenance; kinda true; but I want to flee from those material and temporal things and just follow Jesus with my whole being. I dream of going to bible college and getting my missions degree. I dream of getting married and raising my family in a foreign place. I dream of going to the country(ies) that God calls me to. But most of all, I dream of the souls that I will be able to preach and teach the Word of God to while I am involved in foreign missions, and of the Will of God, that my life may follow it.

Sometimes I reminisce with myself about my childhood. I remember how my life has changed; for the better. I remember the experiences I have had throughout my whole life. I remember who I was before I was saved, and I thank God for who I am now; it is by His grace I am what I am. I thank God for Jesus, without whom my life would be nothing. I also think of the future. How my one desire is to do the Will of God, and I pray that I be able to accomplish this throughout my whole life. I hope that my effectual prayer would be heard by God, and that He would know the sincerity in my heart, and that He would soften the hearts of my parents so they could understand the deep passion I hold for the foreign people of this world, who are going to hell if they don‘t know Jesus as Savior. I pray that God would show them a piece of my heart, and then maybe they would be more willing to let me live my life as a servant of God; especially my mother, because I know she only wants the best for me, but this is it right here. I pray that she would be able to see that I seek not to lay myself treasures on this earth, but I seek to lay treasures in heaven. My job is to please God, and not the world, and what better way than to share of Jesus’ saving grace.

Well, I guess I’ve shared myself enough for one day.

In Christ,
Cody Enciso
Phil. 3:10