Thursday, December 18, 2008

Long Time

I'm sorry i haven't posted anything new in the past 2 months....

Things have been going extremely well. Sure I've had trial and circumstances along the way, but God has always been in control. I am amazed at the strength He provides each day to carry on. I am pleased at how my decisions in life have been focused around what God wants for me, and they are working out accordingly.

I plan on going to Pensacola Christian College in the fall of 2009. I will be working towards a degree in Pre-medicine, as well as a minor in missions. I hope to make it into Med-school thereafter. I want to be a Missionary of course, but to have the skills of a doctor would be immensely beneficial. Even now I pray that God will allow me the opportunity 10 years down the road to join an organization that would allow me to be a doctor/missionary.

As for the present, I am utterly excited to have been accepted to go Peru this summer with Awestar!! Jesus has already begun to prepare my heart for the month long missions trip i will be embarking on very soon. I pray for progress, prayer, and support in raising funds.

Aside from all the exciting developements, the rest of my life has been wonderful. I am very grateful that God provides for His children.

In Christ,
Cody Enciso
Phil. 3:10