Sunday, October 19, 2008

All One Can Do

All one can do in this life to find solace is flee into God’s Word. All one can do in life is pray. All one can do in life is surrender your whole self to God no matter what the circumstances.

It’s hard to convey what you believe in your heart to the people that are closest to you. My mother, a woman who I greatly respect and admire, does not see the Will of God for my life. I try and tell her over and over again that I feel led to go to a bible college because it is my deepest desire to become a missionary. I want to be a light for Jesus in this dark world, and I strongly feel that His calling for my life is the foreign mission field. My mother seems to think that all I am doing is being arrogant because I want to go away to college, and she thinks I am going to throw my life away.

But in the midst of it all I still find peace. God gives peace to His children! I thank God and Jesus for all that has been done in my life. I thank the LORD that I was able to hear the gospel and get saved. All I want to do is serve Him with my life. I know that if I have to give up everything and just go and serve my Savior, He will provide for my needs. His grace is sufficient for me. I pray that my mother’s heart would be softened and that I would be able to tell her and even show her through my words how passionate I am for the work of the LORD. I am going to do everything that I can to live my life for Jesus. I want to be used to my fullest extent. I know God will provide a way because this is the path He wants me to follow.

Thank the LORD everyday for the breath of life you still obtain. He is only keeping us on this earth because He wants to use us for His purposes.

In Christ,
Cody Enciso
Phil. 3:10

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sighs of Relief

Oh my goodness! These past couple weeks have been a roller coaster ride. So much has happened. I guess I wasn’t expectant of things that were to come, but it all worked out for the best. I’ve really seen the Hand of God upon my life through the circumstances. When I pray, God answers. I ask God for patience, He gives me trials to endure; I ask for help in certain areas, and sure enough He always provides a way. It always brings me back to this: ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me (not exact words). I know that God is almighty, but every time I see the work He does in my life, I am still left in amazement. God is good, and He will lead me ‘ in the way of everlasting’.
The LORD has put a new song in my heart, and I pray that I may be able to finish it soon. I want to use my music to glorify the Lord Jesus! I pray that God would use me as His tool, and help me be even more outspoken for Christ. Christ is my love, and all I want to do is serve Him.

In Christ,
Cody Enciso
Phil 3:10

Friday, October 3, 2008

All Praise Belongs to Our God

This week has been filled with so many mixed emotions about so many circumstances in life. This week has been a hard one for many, but in the midst of it all, one can find comfort in the love of Jesus Christ. I feel as if I should be feeling something different, but I am not. My flesh feels as if it should be in despair all the time, but my heart does not. Through the days, I have found the peace of God in my life. Issues that before would torment my mind with a torrential downfall of emotion and too much thinking, now seem inferior because my focus is on God. The things of the LORD are most important, and the things of this world do not matter. I have seen in such clarity the hand of God working in my life. He listens when I pray, and He has blessed me thus far. I praise the LORD Jesus for who He is, and I praise God Almighty for His guidance in my life. I know things will work out for the best and on God’s terms.

In Christ,
Cody Enciso
Phil 3:10