Sunday, March 28, 2010

Life Thus Far

Looking back has never been so hard....

Just one year ago, things were progressing wonderfully and everything seemed to be going according to "plan"; but now, I could not say the same. All I can say is that it hurts. Everything on the inside, everything on the outside, everything in between. My life has changed so much in these past few months than it has in my entire life. I'm scared, I sometimes feel alone, and sometimes am overtaken by the emotions. Some would say I did this to myself, and that it's my own game that I am playing; I would say they don't know the half of it.

It seems rather odd for me to say this, but I kind of needed this. The things I have learned, the skills I have acquired, the things I have done, they have all played a pivotal role in my life. I'm not using it as an excuse for justification, but man, things will never be the same. I've realized alot of things about myself that would never have come to actuality otherwise. I've learned a lot of new things that are going to be very important in the coming years. The scales of destiny have tipped in my favor. I know what must be done, I know why things have happened the way they did, I know how things need to be accomplished, and I know what the end result is. No more of this lollygagging and tweedling through life like a robot, it's time to stand up. No more looking for pity from others, no more letting others push me around, no more taking it and not fighting back. There's a new beginning.
If anybody reads this at all, which i dont think anybody does, but if you're out there remember this post. It will be the last......

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